Система управления молочным хозяйством


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Система управления молочным хозяйством



The Abdomen

First start with the kidneys. Lay the small intestines over the rumen. The right kidney lies in a fat layer close to the spine, next to the liver.

Pull away the fat to expose the kidney, then wrap your hand around the kidney and pull it out towards the tail.


Click on the photo to the left to view how to expose the right kidney.

Cut the kidney lengthwise to examine the inner tissue.

Click on the photo to the left to view how to open the kidney.

A thin layer of tissue covers the outer surface of the kidney. This needs to be pulled off in order to fully examine the outer surface of the kidney.


Click the photo to the right to view how to remove the capsule

The left kidney is found by reflecting the entire intestine over the spine of the animal. Where all of the intestines meet, just above the rumen, is another area of fat covering the kidney. Cut through the fat to expose the left kidney and examine it in the same manner as you did the right kidney.

Click the photo above to view exposing the left (down) kidney

The following photos are close up pictures of the left kidney.


Common Kidney Lesions

Normal Kidney

